Tanqueray London Dry Gin 1L
Tanqueray London Dry Gin 1L
Tanqueray London Dry Gin is an iconic gin that has stood the test of time, known for its classic and crisp flavour profile. Established in 1830, Tanqueray has earned its reputation as one of the finest gin brands in the world. Crafted with a blend of four carefully selected botanicals, including juniper, coriander, angelica root, and liquorice, Tanqueray London Dry is a perfect balance of tradition and sophistication.
Key Characteristics of Tanqueray London Dry Gin
Flavour Profile: Tanqueray London Dry Gin has a clean, crisp taste with the signature bold notes of juniper, balanced with the refreshing citrus elements from coriander and a hint of earthy angelica root. The finish is smooth and slightly spicy, making it a perfect base for classic cocktails.
Appearance: The gin is crystal clear, showcasing its purity and high quality. Its simple, elegant bottle reflects its refined flavour profile.
Serving Suggestions
Tanqueray London Dry Gin is incredibly versatile and a must-have for any gin lover. Enjoy it in the timeless Gin and Tonic, or mix it into a classic Martini, Negroni, or Tom Collins. Its clean, crisp character also makes it an excellent base for more modern gin cocktails, or simply served over ice with a slice of lemon or lime.
A Classic Gin with Timeless Appeal
With its bold juniper-forward flavour and exceptional versatility, Tanqueray London Dry Gin is perfect for both seasoned gin drinkers and newcomers alike. Whether you’re enjoying it in a cocktail or simply sipping it neat, Tanqueray delivers an unmistakable gin experience that’s both sophisticated and refreshing.